Inés Macpherson

Writer, reader and narrator

She has a degree in Philosophy and since 2010 she has been working in the publishing world as a reader, proofreader and editor. She contributes to La Vanguardia and El Biblionauta talking about books. At the same time, she has been an oral storyteller since 2003, a field in which she has specialised in literary and author's tales. She has participated as a storyteller in festivals and libraries, in cycles such as The Science Fiction Invasion, centred on the centenary of Ray Bradbury, Isaac Asimov and Frank Herbert, and in the celebration of Patricia Highsmith's centenary. She runs several book clubs and teaches at the Ateneu Barcelonès Writing School.

She is the author of the juvenile novel El secret de Lucia Morke (La Galera, 2011) and an illustrated version of the legend of Sant Jordi: Santa Jordina (La Galera, 2017). She has also participated in the anthologies Extraordinàries. Noves autores de l’insòlit (Males Herbes, 2020), Paper Cremat. 10 contes per a 100 anys de Ray Bradbury (Apostroph, 2020), Contes per al (des)confinament (Males Herbes, 2020) and La ciutat invisible. Vuit relats ucrònics barcelonins (Sfabula Editorial, 2022), among others. His latest novel is Els fils del mar, published by Spècula.

Inés Macpherson

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